Solved HUAWEI TAG L32 EMMC replacement

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Rudy Bintoro

Friend's Martview
Mar 7, 2020

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Change the ABJTMC emmc plug to continue flash through sp flashtool

  1. Run the flash_tool.exe file that was extracted earlier, by right clicking> Select Run as administrator
  2. Select the Download Agent Enter DA_SWSEC_bin in the Folder Tool.
  3. Then Select in Scatter-loading Enter the MT6753_Android_scatter file in the Firewall folder
  4. After the MT6753_Android_scatter file is successfully inputted , start flashing by clicking the Download button .
  5. To Avoid the Risk of LCD Blank, Off After flash, Run Error Flashing, Etc. It is better to Uncheck / uncheck Preloader file column .
  6. HUAWEI your TAG-L32 is OFF,
  7. Connect your cellphone to the computer / laptop via a USB data cable.
  8. Press the Boot Volume Up (+) button to connect between the phone and PC. .
  9. If the process is running normally, then the progress bar at the bottom of the SP Flash Tool will have a color indicator that moves from red and finally to yellow, wait until it is 100% complete .
  10. The process will end with the appearance of a green circle.
