
Feb 1, 2023
The future of blockchain game
The epidemic in recent years has produced profound changes in people's lifestyles, and many of their activities have started to be developed in the virtual world, which plays an important role in promoting the development of the universe of meta. Games, as an important part of the universe of meta, will be the first industry to gain the benefits , but the following conditions are still indispensable for blockchain games to achieve better development.
- Wallets and Exchanges.

Through the use of wallets, game users can truly take control of the assets in the game, and exchanges provide a trading platform and liquidity for these game assets NFT, helping users trade and revitalize their game assets. Wallets are a key application for depositing blockchain assets. Currently, wallets such as Metamask are not enough to support the extensive adoption of block games, and wallets will further advance community drive the popularity of blockchain games.

- Game playability.

The biggest difference between blockchain games and traditional games is that gamers are also investors. Many blockchain games have gone out of course, treating all users as investors only and forgetting that the essence of making games is to develop high-quality games that users are interested in paying for. If most people play a game just to make money, and no one is ready to pay for it, it becomes a side-scam. The revenue of the participants of the side scam comes from the money of the people who come later, and if there are not enough people who come later, they will not be able to cash in the revenue, leading to the breakdown.
- Speed and performance.

A high level of concurrency is the characteristic of game applications, so Wax, Coinan Chain and Polygon, which are public chains with a high level of concurrency and low fees, have attracted a large number of game developers. In the future, with the maturity of technologies such as Ethernet Layer 2 and slice scaling, as well as the maturity of other gaming public chain technologies compatible with EVM, blockchain games will have a better development and operation environment.

- Cross-chain and interaction.

Cross-chain and interaction of game assets will be a direction of future development of metaverse games, and blockchain should be connected and accessible like the Internet. The maturity of cross-chain technology in the future will promote the cross-chain transfer of game assets and NFT, and improve the interaction experience of the system The game should maintain the operation of the project by relying on the payment of some users or selling profitable products, just like the new blockchain game Fairy Cat in 2023, which developed diverse gameplay for players and increased the playability of the game, thus got the recognition of many players. Blockchain games need to work hard on game experience and playability. Token economics is essentially just a kind of interest structure , and even good token economics cannot replace the development, operation and profitability of the project itself.

It is believed that with the maturity of the above conditions, more and more game developers and investors will enter this industry and together promote the production of some blockchain games with beautiful graphics, first-class experience and high playability.
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Junior Member
Feb 23, 2023
I also like block chain games but have u ever watched a cockfighting game? WPC 16 are very interesting cockfighting game. Over 3,000 years ago, the cockfighting custom was still practised in the Philippines. It is a well-liked sport among Filipinos and has had a considerable impact on the nation's social connections.


Junior Member
May 24, 2023
Players in the game LOLBeans must take part in a variety of challenges. Your talents will be put to the test in a variety of ways, including speed, accuracy, and agility.
There are several tasks in each of the game's rounds, which are grouped into sections. At the conclusion of the final round, the player with the most points wins the match.


Junior Member
Aug 2, 2023
This time-tested classic has been brought to life by PCH Games, who also provide an engaging gameplay environment that will keep you occupied for a long time. Get ready to set out on a journey that will be full of fun, relaxation, and victory. Visit Here: Droidtutors


Friend's Martview
Aug 13, 2017
A blockchain game is a type of video game that incorporates blockchain technology into its architecture and gameplay mechanics. Blockchain, the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, enables decentralized, secure, and transparent record-keeping of digital transactions.

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