Chimera New Computer Usage System

Chimera Tool
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Product Manager
Apr 6, 2021

Dear Users of the Chimera Tool,

Hereby we are introducing you our new computer usage system.

As you may all know, our licenses are valid for 12 months and the allowed numbers of PCs are divided accordingly. We separate the PC usage into 4 quarters (Q1-Q4). On each quarter (Q1=3 months) you will be able to use certain amount of PCs based on your license type. Please be informed that the period of the quarters cannot be modified. It will remain 3 months/quarter.

Our Samsung and PRO licenses can be used on 6 computers. In every 3 months you will start with a clean slate and you will be able to attach other 6 computers (if you want) to your license. In case you have the Premium license, you will be able to use 8 computers on each quarter.
Please note that the detach time (48 hours waiting period) remains the same and your purchased license can be moved and attached to another PC when the waiting period has passed. The detach can be done among the currently used 6-8 computers.

How much will your work be changed?

The new computer usage system won’t have any effect in your daily work routine. We spent the past half year with collecting information’s about how many computers are usually used by our clients. The calculated computer numbers in the new usage system (6 and 8) are based on the mentioned research. We do believe that we managed to find a healthy number which will provide flexibility and freedom for even those users who using the tool regularly in different places / shops.

So why do we need this change then?

Recently we received many reports from many of you that some individuals are ruining they work by using various remote methods. So we started the mentioned research which, pointed out, that we do have an issue with certain users of the Chimera Tool who continuously rented out the Licenses / usernames. By doing that not just they broke our License Using Terms (which means they used the tool in an illegal way) but they directly damaged those clients of ours who used the software correctly. Not to mention those who shared the tool damaged the License market value.
Our main goal is to protect those users who put their trust and time and they invested into the Chimera Tool software. To defend their work and the market. .

How is the system working in practice?

Lets say that you are an owner of a PRO license. You have a desktop in your Shop where you do your work daily bases (so that is computer 1). Plus you have a laptop which is also in use (computer 2). But on rare occasions you have to bring your work home where you have another desktop (computer 3). The system will let you use all of the mentioned computers and still you will have empty slots for another 3 computers. Of course the License can be switched between these computers after 48 hour from the first use of the license.

Note that the Chimera Authenticator still can carry your License between the registered computers without waiting time.

The new system will be launched at 12/04/2021 (Monday).

We hope that we could make a significant step in a direction which will lead us to a clean market.

Best regards
Chimera Team
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