asus zen 2 ze551ml imei null


Junior Member
Jul 10, 2019
platform: moorefield, cpu abi: x86
manufacturer: asus
hardware: mofd_v1
board: moorefield, name: WW_Z00A
brand: asus, model: ASUS_Z00AD
build id: LRX21V, version: 5.0 (WW-ASUS_Z00A- test-keys)
build description: asusmofd_fhd-eng 5.0 LRX21V test-keys

boot reason: kernel_panic
isn: QTCYZ10RZ61S01B4F
serial no: G3AZFG010103JSP
ifwi version: 0094.1077
kernel version: 3.10.20-x86_64_moor-gf401af3
baseband version: ASU_MOFD_7260_V1_01.1506.00
csc version: WW_ZE551ML.ZX550ML_2.2.30.1_20150923_7795_eng
ril version: Intrinsyc Rapid-RIL M6.59 for Android 4.2 (Build September 17/2013)
android_id: 33bcb2085170b85c
bt addr: 34:97:f6:0c:70:97
wifi mac: 34:97:f6:0c:70:98
imei: 000000000000000
sku: WW
battery level: 52%
superuser: yes ()

Enabling AT mode... Done.
Waiting for COM to be ready... Done.
Waiting for ADB to be ready... Done.
Using Port: Intel Android Virtual Com Port (COM32)
New imei1: 359999066764xxx
New imei2: 359999066764xxx
Writing new imei... - programming simlock_data (block ID: 0x00030001) failed due to unknown failure (result code: 1 / 0x01).

mohon bimbingannya suhu