HOT iOS 13.5 Unc0ver Jailbreak Updated with Bug Fixes and Improvements

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May 29, 2020

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The team behind Unc0ver t0day released a minor update to their jailbreak tool with some bug fixes. The update comes after nearly a month since Unc0ver v5.2 was released.

If you were hoping that the Unc0ver update adds support for jailbreaking iOS 14 beta, prepare to be disappointed as that’s not the case. Instead, the update fixes some bugs in the device compatibility manager and some initialization issues on A7-A8 devices. Below is the full change-log of Unc0ver v5.2.1:

07/08/2020 – v5.2.1 was released for production with the following changes:

– Fix bugs in the device compatibility manager
– Fix a logic bug to improve performance
– Fix patchfinder initialization for A7-A8 devices
– Allow jailbreaking with corrupted /tmp directory
If you have already jailbroken your iPhone or iPad using Unc0ver, you will need to re-jailbreak it using the latest release of the tool. Make sure to restart your device after updating Unc0ver for the changes to take effect. Since Apple is no longer signing iOS 13.5, you cannot downgrade your iPhone back to it if you do not have the SHSH blobs. So, if you have already updated your iPhone to iOS 13.5.1 , you cannot downgrade to iOS 13.5 and jailbreak your device.

You can download the latest release of Unc0ver from here. If the website is down, you can download Unc0ver from GitHub.
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