New mi y3 touc not work after remove mi acount ufi isp test point


Oct 4, 2019
mi y3 touc not work after remove mi acount removed ufi isp test point

plz ow to solve guide me tanks advance

here log

Connection status: EHCI:HUB:HUB:USB 2.00 High-Speed
Interface: UFI High-Speed
Serial number: 0011-8841-4341
Boot version: 1.05, FW version: 1.13 (Aug 19 2019 23:46:09)
Insertion test... Done
VCCQ not properly connected
Init bus...
VCC: 3.3 V, VCCQ: 1.8 V
Bus: 1 bit (SDR 24MHz)
Access mode: sector mode
Power supply: dual-voltage (1.70-1.95V, 2.7-3.6V)
Card/BGA: BGA (Discrete embedded) - High density MMC
Manufacturer ID: 0x13 (Micron)
Product name: S0J9N8 (0x53304a394e38), rev: 0x10, serial number: 0x0D66FE43
Manufacturing date: Feb 2019
CID: 13014E53 304A394E 38100D66 FE4326C0
CSD: D05F0132 8F5913FF FFFFFFEF 964000A8
EXT_CSD revision: 1.8 (MMC v5.1)
Partition info:
Boot1: 4096 KiB
Boot2: 4096 KiB
RPMB: 16384 KiB
User area: 58.24 GiB(62,537,072,640 bytes)
Cache size: 2 MiB
Hardware reset function: 1
Partition configuration: 0x38
No boot acknowledge is sent (default)
User area is enabled for boot
Partitioning support: 0x07
Device support partitioning feature
Device can have enhanced technological features
Device partitioning possible
Boot configuration protection: 0x00
Boot bus conditions: 0x00
Boot area write protection: 0x00
Power-on write protection: possible
Permanent write protection: possible
Lock status: not locked

ANDROID System Info:
platform: msm8953, cpu abi: arm64-v8a
manufacturer: Xiaomi
board: msm8953, name: onc
brand: xiaomi, model: Redmi Y3
build model list: Redmi Y3
build id: PKQ1.181021.001, version: 9 Pie (PKQ1.181021.001)
build description: onc-user 9 PKQ1.181021.001 V11.0.4.0.PFFINXM release-keys

Internal storage: 22.56 GiB

Rudy Bintoro

Friend's Martview
Mar 7, 2020

Donate money to this user
You go to the partition tab then identify and delete persits. do identification enter the special task tab delete micload.
then write a new persit file or backup ??
Last edited:


Oct 4, 2019
also it touc notwork after persist and config file same v11.0.4

dead after erase config file persist then dump write set on ok but touc only not work so we confuse oter redmi 6 pro note 7 pro after write persist mi cloud remove done sucessfully no problem but this only issue


Oct 4, 2019
[QUOTE = "indiancell, pos: 68655, anggota: 76776"]
mi y3 touc tidak berfungsi setelah menghapus acount dihapus ufi isp test point

plz ow untuk memecahkan memandu saya maju tangki

di sini log

Status koneksi: EHCI: HUB: HUB: USB 2.00 Kecepatan Tinggi
Antarmuka: Kecepatan Tinggi UFI
Nomor seri: 0011-8841-4341
Versi boot: 1.05, versi FW: 1.13 (19 Agustus 2019 23:46:09)
Tes penyisipan ... Selesai
VCCQ tidak terhubung dengan benar
Bus init ...
VCC: 3.3 V, VCCQ: 1.8 V
Bus: 1 bit (SDR 24MHz)
Mode akses: mode sektor
Catu daya: tegangan ganda (1.70-1.95V, 2.7-3.6V)
Kartu / BGA: BGA (Diskrit tertanam) - MMC kepadatan tinggi
ID Pabrikan: 0x13 (Mikron)
Nama produk: S0J9N8 (0x53304a394e38), rev: 0x10, nomor seri: 0x0D66FE43
Tanggal pembuatan: Feb 2019
CID: 13014E53 304A394E 38100D66 FE4326C0
CSD: D05F0132 8F5913FF FFFFFFEF 964000A8
Revisi EXT_CSD: 1.8 (MMC v5.1)
Info partisi:
Boot1: 4096 KiB
Boot2: 4096 KiB
RPMB: 16384 KiB
Area pengguna: 58,24 GiB (62.537.072.640 byte)
Ukuran cache: 2 MiB
Fungsi reset perangkat keras: 1
Konfigurasi partisi: 0x38
Tidak ada pengakuan boot yang dikirim (default)
Area pengguna diaktifkan untuk boot
Dukungan partisi: 0x07
Fitur partisi dukungan perangkat
Perangkat dapat memiliki fitur teknologi yang ditingkatkan
Pemartisian perangkat mungkin
Perlindungan konfigurasi boot: 0x00
Kondisi bus boot: 0x00
Perlindungan penulisan area boot: 0x00
Perlindungan penulisan power-on: mungkin
Perlindungan penulisan permanen: mungkin
Status kunci: tidak dikunci

Info Sistem ANDROID:
platform: msm8953, cpu abi: arm64-v8a
Pabrikan: Xiaomi
papan: msm8953, nama: onc
merek: xiaomi, model: Redmi Y3
membangun daftar model: Redmi Y3
build id: PKQ1.181021.001, versi: 9 Pie (PKQ1.181021.001)
deskripsi bangun: onc-user 9 PKQ1.181021.001 V11.0.4.0.Lepas kunci-PFFINXM

Penyimpanan internal: 22,56 GiB
Anda pergi ke tab partisi kemudian mengidentifikasi dan menghapus persits. lakukan identifikasi masukkan tab tugas khusus hapus micload.
kemudian tulis file persit baru atau cadangan??
plz engilish only can not understand