Welcome To Riff Jtag With New Powers In Your hands !!!

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Active Member
 : Oct 12, 2018
 : 27
 : 23
 :  cellsoldiers

Here are some rules which all users should obey, or they will be denied to access RIFF Section.

Before opening new thread, always check if there is already answer to Your problem. Use forum Search function !
Before asking for help, always make sure that You have latest updates downloaded. Users with obsolete software logs will be ignored !
When You have problem with some device, always include following :

Complete log from logging window in JTAG Manager,
Device Brand and Model
Device current state and history (how it was damaged)

If You are searching for specific pinout, or dump file, there are sticky topics for this, Your posts in any other part of forum will be moved to "Stupid users" thread.
If You post about same thing more then once per day, You'll be BANNED from this section for 10 days, no excuses !Remember that nobody is obligated to help You ! This is forum, and as any other forum, it operates on free will and people with free time and knowledge. If You need help, request it with as much as You can details, and patiently wait.Any user who post things like "Where is support", "this forum is bad" etc will be denied to access this forum. If You're not happy with
martview-forum, You're free to use any other which suits You.
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