Help Does anyone have Redmi 5 Plus ENG Firmware?


Friend's Martview
Jul 6, 2019
Can someone help me by giving me the REdmi 5 plus firmware ENG?

Since it degraded the firm but I couldn't do unlock bootloader
and I must remove the My account.

Thank you in advance!
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Product Supporter
Jul 28, 2018

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Use that file you shared with me

Same result
Failed to unlock bootloader.

Good, in the title of the post you ask if there is has the eng firmware, because you have two links, the first is the unlock bootloader if that file does not work or gives error, try to download the firmware miui 9.6 or lower Chinese version, this to unlock the bootloader.
And the second link is the two eng firmwares of the redmi 5 plus both the global version and the Indian version, but I recommend that if you have the imei well do not use them because you will have problems. Bro so that users can help you in the title or the content of the post you have to specify or know what you want, this is not annoyance or anything like that, if it is not simply good feedback between the user who has a problem and other users, ps, smod, etc who want to help or provide any solution to your problem, greetings, thank you very much and do not take this wrong.


Product Supporter
Jul 28, 2018

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Another important thing that you have to take into account and for all users who read this post, is that if you have activated find device on it will give an error, new security from xiaomi.


Friend's Martview
Jul 6, 2019
Good, in the title of the post you ask if there is has the eng firmware, because you have two links, the first is the unlock bootloader if that file does not work or gives error, try to download the firmware miui 9.6 or lower Chinese version, this to unlock the bootloader.
And the second link is the two eng firmwares of the redmi 5 plus both the global version and the Indian version, but I recommend that if you have the imei well do not use them because you will have problems. Bro so that users can help you in the title or the content of the post you have to specify or know what you want, this is not annoyance or anything like that, if it is not simply good feedback between the user who has a problem and other users, ps, smod, etc who want to help or provide any solution to your problem, greetings, thank you very much and do not take this wrong.

Install Firm 9.6

same result