New I will never share Infinity dongle via network because it is usage rules violation


Aug 25, 2021
I will never share Infinity dongle via network because it is usage rules violation

Dear Friends, Please never share your dongles with eltima|virtualhere and other sharing tools. You may kill your dongles with sharing. I will never share my Infinity dongle via network because it is usage rules violation and repair will be PAID. How to share Infinity see here How to use Infinity CM2 or [BEST] Dongle with usb/network/remote sharing and debuggers or similar tools - Infinity Box Dongle [CM2] [BEST] Support S/N to repair: [...write here your dongle S/N...]0047474921


Aug 25, 2021
I will never share Infinity dongle via network because it is usage rules violation

Dear Friends, Please never share your dongles with eltima|virtualhere and other sharing tools. You may kill your dongles with sharing. I will never share my Infinity dongle via network because it is usage rules violation and repair will be PAID. How to share Infinity see here How to use Infinity CM2 or [BEST] Dongle with usb/network/remote sharing and debuggers or similar tools - Infinity Box Dongle [CM2] [BEST] Support S/N to repair: [...write here your dongle S/N...] 0047474921


Product Manager
Feb 10, 2019
Sir, it's 2nd time fault with the same reason
Give me fault.bin file ot tell me exactly what kind of sniff, trace or sharing tool do you use?


Aug 25, 2021
Sir, it's 2nd time fault with the same reason
Give me fault.bin file ot tell me exactly what kind of sniff, trace or sharing tool do you use?
Box/Dongle type selected: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
Box/Dongle misconfiguration
Diagnostic code: 5A
04-12-2022 10:19:52
Username: 0047474921
==> Scan c:\users\khan\desktop\cm2 dongle manager v1.92\ for report.log
==> Scan c:\InfinityBox\ for report.log
==> Scan c:\Program Files\ for report.log
==> Scan d:\Program Files\ for report.log
==> Scan c:\Program Files (x86)\ for report.log
Found files: 0
==> Scan c:\users\khan\desktop\cm2 dongle manager v1.92\ for fault.bin
==> Scan c:\InfinityBox\ for fault.bin
==> Scan c:\Program Files\ for fault.bin
==> Scan d:\Program Files\ for fault.bin
==> Scan c:\Program Files (x86)\ for fault.bin
Found files: 0
No reports found

sir i don,t use any kind of sharing tools kindly tell me the problem that,s come again and again.


Product Manager
Feb 10, 2019
Box/Dongle type selected: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
Box/Dongle misconfiguration
Diagnostic code: 5A
04-12-2022 10:19:52
Username: 0047474921
==> Scan c:\users\khan\desktop\cm2 dongle manager v1.92\ for report.log
==> Scan c:\InfinityBox\ for report.log
==> Scan c:\Program Files\ for report.log
==> Scan d:\Program Files\ for report.log
==> Scan c:\Program Files (x86)\ for report.log
Found files: 0
==> Scan c:\users\khan\desktop\cm2 dongle manager v1.92\ for fault.bin
==> Scan c:\InfinityBox\ for fault.bin
==> Scan c:\Program Files\ for fault.bin
==> Scan d:\Program Files\ for fault.bin
==> Scan c:\Program Files (x86)\ for fault.bin
Found files: 0
No reports found

sir i don,t use any kind of sharing tools kindly tell me the problem that,s come again and again.
you must send me fault.bin file
after that I will tell you your sharing or sniff problem
restore it from recycle bin


Aug 25, 2021
you must send me fault.bin file
after that I will tell you your sharing or sniff problem
restore it from recycle bin
sir i dont have fault.bin file what can i do now
restore it from recycle bin and attach here

another way - tell me what kind of sharing and trace/sniff tools you are using with Infinity

restore it from recycle bin and attach here

another way - tell me what kind of sharing and trace/sniff tools you are using with Infinity
this is fault.bin check this sir


  • fault.bin
    1.5 KB · Views: 3


Aug 25, 2021
you must send me fault.bin file
after that I will tell you your sharing or sniff problem
restore it from recycle restore it from recycle bin and attach here
another way - tell me what kind of sharing and trace/sniff tools you are using wi

sharing tool \hhd software\virtual serial port tools\psip_server.exe

Now read well How to use Infinity CM2 and [BEST] Dongle with sharing and debug tools - How to use Infinity CM2 or [BEST] Dongle with usb/network/remote sharing and debuggers or similar tools - Infinity Box Dongle [CM2] [BEST] Support
Do you understand what do you need to do not to be safe?

sharing tool \hhd software\virtual serial port tools\psip_server.exe

Now read well How to use Infinity CM2 and [BEST] Dongle with sharing and debug tools - How to use Infinity CM2 or [BEST] Dongle with usb/network/remote sharing and debuggers or similar tools - Infinity Box Dongle [CM2] [BEST] Support
Do you understand what do you need to do not to be safe?
yes i understand all things now i will be careful with this.