HOT Mobile Phone Components Functions & Identification (The Big Parts)


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May 29, 2020

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The Big Components on a Mobile Phone’s PCB​

For Small components check here

On the “Mobile Phone Parts Functions and Identification,” We are going to be looking at the big parts. The big parts here refer to the ICs short for integrated circuit. It is a good skill to be able to identify mobile phone parts functions for troubleshooting purposes. Additionally, this knowledge helps in communicating faults in phones to clients with a more professional approach, this is a technical skill, so you don’t have to act like a “zombie” when dealing with complicated devices.

It’s a well known fact that the major problem technician’s encounter is identifying the mobile phone parts functions and other stuff on the PCB! Knowing how to pin point parts straight away makes your work fast and easy, but the problem here is that there are very few phone manufacturers who are willing to make their schematic or block diagram available online.

Mobile Phone Parts Functions and Identification:​

Power IC:
The problem resulting from the power IC can be very tormenting and can even give you high blood pressure especially when dealing with an expensive phone you vowed to conquer. The power IC is an important micro-chip found in the power section of all mobile phones. The power integrated circuit is the component electronic chip that distributes required value or measure of current voltage to all other parts of the mobile phone. Though manufacturer architecture may differ, you will mostly find the power IC close to the battery terminal in phones with inbuilt battery and most times you find it either behind or at the top of the PCB in SIM facing up position when the PCB is screwed. It is mostly protected by a silver plated metal. You will observe that the power IC normally have so many capacitors, resistors, and a good number of coils etc of varied shapes and sizes which helps in proper and accurate distribution of current needed for healthy functioning. If the power IC is bad, that is “bad market” and the beginning of sorrow, the phone will go dead and only God can help you in this battle if you don’t know what to do!

Just like the Computers, phones too do have CPU known as central process unit. This IC controls and co-ordinates program instructions and all other activities that goes on while the phone is being operated just like how you have got a brain in your big head that determines how every other thing goes on … If the CPU gets shorted or affected by a hard fall , or a water damagea, or corrupted software file , it may result in a dead phone! The CPU is also referred to as RAP, UPP or MAD IC . The CPU can be found in black color. The CPU is unique in its size in most cases as it appears to be the largest IC chip on the PCB. Just like every other crucial ICs, the CPU is protected with a silver coated iron plate so that its life can be free from the troubles and struggles of this world.

it’s the Read Only Memory; this is where the operating system software program instruction is resident. The program instruction in this section is also coordinated by the CPU making sure that all programs load correctly. If the ROM IC is faulty, the phone will start misbehaving and may become dead if He fails to come on time.

RAM, The Random Access Memory is mainly responsible for sending and receiving operating system command while the phone is being operated. It can be found in the power section. The RAM IC can be affected by a hard fall on the floor or when its being heat hard by a real Ram you previously thought of, or short or water damage etc. the RAM can go dead if the problem persist and nothing is done about it.

Flash IC:
This integrated circuit can be found in the power section of a mobile phone and is also referred to as EEPROM, Memory IC, ROM and RAM. When flashing is done on the phone, this is the software hardware component that accommodates the system software. A faulty Flash IC results mainly in software problem or power. If this IC is not replaced, even if you flash the phone a million times, you are just wasting your time!

Charging IC:
This IC is found in the power section of a mobile Phone; it receives electrical charges from the phone charger to charge the phone battery which is passed on to power IC after passing through the power and zener diode, resistors and caps for further distribution to other parts in specific values. If the charging IC is bad the phone will not charge properly or not charge at all . If the phone’s charging IC gets a short circuit, the phone won’t be able to power. Some shorted diode in the power section can also cause power problem when they get shorted as well. Sometimes, charging problem could be so complicated.

Audio IC:
This IC controls the phone’s ringer. When this IC is shorted or faulty, the speaker and mic will not work. This may even cause the phone to go dead as a result of this IC problem.

RF (Radio Frequency) IC:
RF signal processor or Network IC as it is called, can be found in the network section on the PCB. While controlled by the CPU, it works as both transmitter and receiver, or the world of signals which makes user communication possible. When this component is faulty, network will not be stable or strong and can result in power problem when the IC is shorted.
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