MRD-LX1‬ Repair OEMINFO done


Friend's Martview
Aug 11, 2021
Job ID: 0000000001DA55A1
2021-11-21 22:48:36 GMT -------------------------------------------------
Starting Write Backup(MTK)
Selected phone model: ‪MRD-LX1‬
Please select Download agent and Scatter file from the firmware folder!
Please, put your device in Factory mode (use "ON/OFF Factory Mode" option or Hardware Test Point) and insert USB cable
Detected ‪MediaTek USB Port_V1632‬ port

Detecting Chip Version...
HW Chip : MT6761
HW Version : 8A00.CA01.0200.0000
Brom Version: 5
Boot Loader Version: FE
Initializing remote service connection...
Downloading Authentication Data...
Sending Authentication Data...
Initializing remote service connection...
Downloading Download Agent data...
Using MTK_AllInOne_DA_v3.3001.2018/10/18.17:38_452898 download agent...
Found a suitable Download agent.
Sending Download Agent...
DA successfully sent
Synchronizing with DA...
Mobile Status: SYNC
Mobile Status: brom
Sending BootLoader Info...
Initializing remote service connection...
Downloading preloader data...
Initializing Memory Flash...
Initialization completed
Sending Loader...
Mobile Status: SYNC
Loader successfully sent
Reading Flash Info...
EMMC rpmb size : 16 Mb
EMMC boot1 size : 4 Mb
EMMC boot2 size : 4 Mb
EMMC gp1 size : 0 Mb
EMMC gp2 size : 0 Mb
EMMC gp3 size : 0 Mb
EMMC gp4 size : 0 Mb
EMMC user area size : 29820 Mb
Writing partition: ‪nvram‬
Writing partition: ‪oeminfo‬