FAQ Nand Flash iPhone - what are these, bugs and how to fix them?

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May 29, 2020

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NAND is the most common type of flash memory. It is used in several types of storage devices, including SSDs, USB flash drives, and SD cards.

What is Nand Flash in the iPhone?

This is the internal memory of the device. Yes, yes, the very storage in which the place is constantly disappearing and which is often not enough for iPhone owners on 16 GB.

Roughly speaking, Nand Flash in the iPhone 11 64 GB is the very 64 GB of internal memory.

NAND( AKA Not And) flash saves data as blocks and relies on electric circuits to store data. When power is detached from NAND flash memory, a metal-oxide semiconductor will provide an extra charge to the memory cell, keeping the data(Non-Volatile Chip).Which means it saves critical info and data on the iphone!

Naturally, this is not a USB flash drive - you can not easily disassemble iPhone and remove the NAND.

Causes of malfunction

There are not so many options, and all of them are, as a rule, "standard":
  • Device dropped on the floor .
  • Water Damage.
  • Electricity damage.
There is nothing to paint here - it's clear that if the device is thrown and poured with water, it will affect its performance.

Symptoms of Flash Memory of iPhone

There are no clear and definite symptoms for this malfunction (there is no memory on the screen - your device has memory problems), so you can guess all this only by indirect signs:
  • The iPhone restarts when you turn it on(Bootloop).
  • The device "hangs on an apple" during boot.iPhone "hangs on an apple" - memory problems are possible
  • The firmware "flies" constantly.
  • When you try to restore iOS through iTunes, you get various errors.

ITunes Errors, Indicating Nand Flash Failure

Restoring the firmware via iTunes is the surest way to deal with various problems with the device. However, if the iPhone has problems with Nand Flash memory, the recovery process may be interrupted and accompanied by the following characteristic errors:

  • Error 21, 9, 2009, 4005, 14, 40, 4013 - they can all talk about problems with memory power supply, power supply faults, and various problems with Nand.
  • From the relatively "fresh", error 0XE8000013 - indicates an incorrect firmware Flash memory chip.

But, it's important to remember this - iTunes is arranged in such a way that the same error number can have several reasons.

For example, error 4013 can signal both problems with the chip itself and the unoriginal use of a wire to connect to a PC.
As you can see, the spread is very large - from simple wire to very complicated repairs. Therefore, you can use this list of errors for a preliminary analysis of the situation, but you can not blindly trust it.

Repair Nand Flash Memory - Is It Possible?

The flash memory in each iPhone is uniquely encrypted by its CPU. So u cannot just change the flash memory from a known working Iphone!

So 2 options are available for repair.

Option 1:
Take out the nand reball it and reinstall it(Risky)

Option 2:
Luckily new boxes can do this job if it was software (read and write the iPhone Serial number, Bluetooth/Wifi code, Model, Country, Camera, and all other SYSCFG data without disassembling ).
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