Nokia C2 TA-1204 | TA-1233 Full EFM Backup | Flashing Done

Abdullah Ali

Mar 30, 2020
Pakistan Gujrat
Sonork ID

Nokia C2 TA-1204 | TA-1233 Full EFM Backup Done By Z3X Easy Jtag Plus

Abdullah Ali on TikTok

EFM Fulll Backup Without Userdata

NOKIA C2 TA-1233 Flashing Done With Easy Jtag Plus

Z3X EasyJtag EMMC File Manager v 1.18 at 29/06/2020 Started..
Box API Version: 3401
FS Driver Version: 29062020
SQLite Version: 3.32.0
FSCK Engine Version: 29062020
ESE DB Version: 29062020
System Util Version: 29062020
System: Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7600) / 64 BIT
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz
Total RAM: 3.89 GB
Telegram Support: EFM Easy Jtag Emmc Manager Official Russian Group
FRP Apps: Z3X FRP Files

Z3X Card Serial: AXXXX
EasyJtag Plus Box Found at: COM2
EasyJtag Plus Box Firmware: 2.53.1

Source: EasyJtag Port [EMMC/SD/MMC]
Box Voltage set to: 1800 mV
Scanner Thread Created..

Config: 1011111111101111
Setup HiPower CLK: ON
Connecting To EasyJtag Plus Box: 1800mV/36MHz/4BIT
EasyJtag Plus Box Found! Result: 0/OK
CMD Pullup Level: 1844 mV
CMD Active Level: 1882 mV
EasyJtag Plus S/N: 39B26DD290B9BBB2
EasyJtag Plus Box FirmWare: 2.53

Box Bus Width = 1 BIT
Box Hardware = EasyJtag 2nd Generation

Search EMMC Chip...

EMMC Chip Found! 0/OK
EMMC CID: 150100464536324D4203761390A3A6A5
EMMC CSD: D02701320F5903FFF6DBFFEF8E40400D
EMMC ROM1 Size: 30535680 Block(s)/14910 MB
EMMC ROM2/3 Size: 8192 Block(s)/4096 KB
EMMC RPMB Size: 8192 Block(s)/4096 KB
EMMC RPMB Counter: 0
Error While Switch ROM: -1/CMD_TOUT_ERR

Scanner Thread Terminated
Elapsed: 00:00:01:670
Found 0 Partition(s)..

Search Partitions Fail..
Check EMMC or Run Pool Test..

Source: EasyJtag Port [EMMC/SD/MMC]
Box Voltage set to: 1800 mV
Scanner Thread Created..

Config: 1011111111101111
Setup HiPower CLK: ON
Connecting To EasyJtag Plus Box: 1800mV/36MHz/1BIT
EasyJtag Plus Box Found! Result: 0/OK
CMD Pullup Level: 1845 mV
CMD Active Level: 1883 mV
EasyJtag Plus S/N: 39B26DD290B9BBB2
EasyJtag Plus Box FirmWare: 2.53

Box Bus Width = 1 BIT
Box Hardware = EasyJtag 2nd Generation

Search EMMC Chip...

EMMC Chip Found! 0/OK
EMMC CID: 150100464536324D4203761390A3A6A5
EMMC CSD: D02701320F5903FFF6DBFFEF8E40400D
EMMC ROM1 Size: 30535680 Block(s)/14910 MB
EMMC ROM2/3 Size: 8192 Block(s)/4096 KB
EMMC RPMB Size: 8192 Block(s)/4096 KB
EMMC RPMB Counter: 6926
EMMC RPMB Answer: 0/OK
Switch To ROM1 Part: 0/OK

EMMC REV: 1.8 (for MMC v5.1)
EMMC DEV Life Time: 0x01 -> Normal
EMMC MLC Life Time: 0x02 -> 10% - 20% Life Time Used
EMMC SLC Life Time: 0x02 -> 10% - 20% Life Time Used
EMMC Boot Config: 0x08/0x00/0x01
ExtCSD Automatically Saved..

Scanning Data From EMMC. Please wait..

Scanning GUID Partition Table from ROM1
GUID Partition Table is Found. Max Parts: 128
GPT: GPT [000000000000 - 000000004400] Size: 17.00 KB
GPT: PRODNV [000000100000 - 000000A00000] Size: 10.00 MB
GPT: MISCDATA [000000B00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: RECOVERY [000000C00000 - 000002300000] Size: 35.00 MB
GPT: MISC [000002F00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: MISCAUTH [000003000000 - 000000300000] Size: 3.00 MB
GPT: TRUSTOS [000003300000 - 000000600000] Size: 6.00 MB
GPT: TRUSTOS_BAK [000003900000 - 000000600000] Size: 6.00 MB
GPT: SML [000003F00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: SML_BAK [000004000000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: UBOOT [000004100000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: UBOOT_BAK [000004200000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: UBOOT_LOG [000004300000 - 000000400000] Size: 4.00 MB
GPT: LOGO [000004700000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: FBOOTLOGO [000004800000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: L_FIXNV1 [000004900000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: L_FIXNV2 [000004A00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: L_RUNTIMENV1 [000004B00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: L_RUNTIMENV2 [000004C00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: GPSGL [000004D00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: GPSBD [000004E00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: WCNMODEM [000004F00000 - 000000A00000] Size: 10.00 MB
GPT: PERSIST [000005900000 - 000000200000] Size: 2.00 MB
GPT: L_MODEM [000005B00000 - 000001900000] Size: 25.00 MB
GPT: L_DELTANV [000007400000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: L_GDSP [000007500000 - 000000A00000] Size: 10.00 MB
GPT: L_LDSP [000007F00000 - 000001400000] Size: 20.00 MB
GPT: PM_SYS [000009300000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: BOOT [000009400000 - 000002300000] Size: 35.00 MB
GPT: DTB [00000B700000 - 000000800000] Size: 8.00 MB
GPT: DTBO [00000BF00000 - 000000800000] Size: 8.00 MB
GPT: SYSTEM [00000C700000 - 000076C00000] Size: 1.86 GB
GPT: CACHE [000083300000 - 000009600000] Size: 150.00 MB
GPT: VENDOR [00008C900000 - 000012C00000] Size: 300.00 MB
GPT: PRODUCT [00009F500000 - 000006400000] Size: 100.00 MB
GPT: ELABLE [0000A5900000 - 000001400000] Size: 20.00 MB
GPT: VBMETA [0000A6D00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: VBMETA_BAK [0000A6E00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: USERDATA [0000A6F00000 - 0002FCEFBE00] Size: 11.95 GB
GPT: BACKUP_GPT [0003A3DFBE00 - 000000004200] Size: 16.50 KB
Reading Table Completed
Scanning GUID Partition Table from ROM2
GPT Signature Not Found. Break..
Scanning GUID Partition Table from ROM3
GPT Signature Not Found. Break..

Partition #5 mount as [/mnt/vendor] -> 10.00 MB
Partition #35 mount as [/dev_35] -> 1.86 GB
Partition #36 mount as [/cache] -> 150.00 MB
Partition #37 mount as [/dev_37] -> 300.00 MB
Partition #38 mount as [/dev_38] -> 100.00 MB
Partition #39 mount as [/vendor/elable] -> 20.00 MB
Partition #42 mount as [/USERDATA] -> 11.95 GB

EMPTY -> #7 - [MISC]
EmptyCheck: Done

Android Info:
Brand = Nokia
Vendor = HMD Global
Device = NBL
Model = Nokia C2
Product = NBL
CPU ABI = armeabi-v7a
Android Version = 9
Firm Version = 00WW_1_120
Inc. Version = 00WW_1_120
Firm Date = Wed Dec 30 10:21:32 CST 2020
Security Patch = 2021-01-05

Android Info:
Platform = sp9832e

Android Info:

Scanner Thread Terminated
Elapsed: 00:00:04:898
Found 43 Partition(s)..
Scan Done. Init Main Engine...

Resetting EasyJtag Box. Wait..
CMD Pullup Level: 1844 mV
CMD Active Level: 1883 mV
Reader Engine Initialized.. 0/OK
Source: EasyJtag Port [EMMC/SD/MMC]
Bus Mode: 1BIT
Operation Done: [Init Engine], Elapsed: 00:00:01:575

Multi Read Partitons:
Path: D:\NOKIA\NOKIA C2 TA-1233\new Dump Files\
Initializing Reader Engine..

Part Name: 'ROM_2'
ROM: 2, Addr: 0x000000000000, Size: 4.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 8192

Part Name: 'ROM_3'
ROM: 3, Addr: 0x000000000000, Size: 4.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 8192

Part Name: 'GPT_LAYOUT_ROM1'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000000000000, Size: 17.00 KB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 34

Part Name: 'PRODNV'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000000100000, Size: 10.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 20480

Part Name: 'MISCDATA'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000000B00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'RECOVERY'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000000C00000, Size: 35.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 71680

Part Name: 'MISC'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000002F00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'MISCAUTH'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000003000000, Size: 3.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 6144

Part Name: 'TRUSTOS'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000003300000, Size: 6.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 12288

Part Name: 'TRUSTOS_BAK'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000003900000, Size: 6.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 12288

Part Name: 'SML'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000003F00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'SML_BAK'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004000000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'UBOOT'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004100000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'UBOOT_BAK'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004200000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'UBOOT_LOG'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004300000, Size: 4.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 8192

Part Name: 'LOGO'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004700000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'FBOOTLOGO'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004800000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'L_FIXNV1'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004900000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'L_FIXNV2'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004A00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'L_RUNTIMENV1'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004B00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'L_RUNTIMENV2'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004C00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'GPSGL'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004D00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'GPSBD'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004E00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'WCNMODEM'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004F00000, Size: 10.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 20480

Part Name: 'PERSIST'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000005900000, Size: 2.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 4096

Part Name: 'L_MODEM'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000005B00000, Size: 25.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 51200

Part Name: 'L_DELTANV'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000007400000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'L_GDSP'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000007500000, Size: 10.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 20480

Part Name: 'L_LDSP'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000007F00000, Size: 20.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 40960

Part Name: 'PM_SYS'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000009300000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'BOOT'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000009400000, Size: 35.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 71680

Part Name: 'DTB'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x00000B700000, Size: 8.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 16384

Part Name: 'DTBO'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x00000BF00000, Size: 8.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 16384

Part Name: 'SYSTEM'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x00000C700000, Size: 1.86 GB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 3891200

Part Name: 'CACHE'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000083300000, Size: 150.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 307200

Part Name: 'VENDOR'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x00008C900000, Size: 300.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 614400

Part Name: 'PRODUCT'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x00009F500000, Size: 100.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 204800

Part Name: 'ELABLE'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x0000A5900000, Size: 20.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 40960

Part Name: 'VBMETA'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x0000A6D00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'VBMETA_BAK'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x0000A6E00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

ROM: 1, Addr: 0x0003A3DFBE00, Size: 16.50 KB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 33

Creating RawProgram XML..
XML Created..

Read Done..
Total Readed Partitions: 41
Total Readed Files Size: 0x0000A7608600 Bytes/2.62 GB
Path: D:\NOKIA\NOKIA C2 TA-1233\new Dump Files\
Operation Done: [Read Partitions], Elapsed: 00:10:56:526

Multi Read Partitons:
Path: D:\NOKIA\NOKIA C2 TA-1233\NOKIA C2 TA-1233 Fulll Backup With Userdata\
Initializing Reader Engine..

Part Name: 'ROM_2'
ROM: 2, Addr: 0x000000000000, Size: 4.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 8192

Part Name: 'ROM_3'
ROM: 3, Addr: 0x000000000000, Size: 4.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 8192

Part Name: 'GPT_LAYOUT_ROM1'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000000000000, Size: 17.00 KB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 34

Part Name: 'PRODNV'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000000100000, Size: 10.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 20480

Part Name: 'MISCDATA'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000000B00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'RECOVERY'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000000C00000, Size: 35.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 71680

Part Name: 'MISC'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000002F00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'MISCAUTH'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000003000000, Size: 3.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 6144

Part Name: 'TRUSTOS'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000003300000, Size: 6.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 12288

Part Name: 'TRUSTOS_BAK'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000003900000, Size: 6.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 12288

Part Name: 'SML'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000003F00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'SML_BAK'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004000000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'UBOOT'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004100000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'UBOOT_BAK'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004200000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'UBOOT_LOG'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004300000, Size: 4.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 8192

Part Name: 'LOGO'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004700000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'FBOOTLOGO'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004800000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'L_FIXNV1'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004900000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'L_FIXNV2'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004A00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'L_RUNTIMENV1'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004B00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'L_RUNTIMENV2'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004C00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'GPSGL'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004D00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'GPSBD'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004E00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'WCNMODEM'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000004F00000, Size: 10.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 20480

Part Name: 'PERSIST'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000005900000, Size: 2.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 4096

Part Name: 'L_MODEM'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000005B00000, Size: 25.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 51200

Part Name: 'L_DELTANV'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000007400000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'L_GDSP'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000007500000, Size: 10.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 20480

Part Name: 'L_LDSP'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000007F00000, Size: 20.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 40960

Part Name: 'PM_SYS'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000009300000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'BOOT'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000009400000, Size: 35.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 71680

Part Name: 'DTB'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x00000B700000, Size: 8.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 16384

Part Name: 'DTBO'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x00000BF00000, Size: 8.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 16384

Part Name: 'SYSTEM'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x00000C700000, Size: 1.86 GB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 3891200

Part Name: 'CACHE'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x000083300000, Size: 150.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 307200

Part Name: 'VENDOR'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x00008C900000, Size: 300.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 614400

Part Name: 'PRODUCT'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x00009F500000, Size: 100.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 204800

Part Name: 'ELABLE'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x0000A5900000, Size: 20.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 40960

Part Name: 'VBMETA'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x0000A6D00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'VBMETA_BAK'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x0000A6E00000, Size: 1.00 MB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'USERDATA'
ROM: 1, Addr: 0x0000A6F00000, Size: 11.95 GB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 25065439

ROM: 1, Addr: 0x0003A3DFBE00, Size: 16.50 KB
Reading Partition..
Read Done. Count: 33

Creating RawProgram XML..
XML Created..

Read Done..
Total Readed Partitions: 42
Total Readed Files Size: 0x0003A4504400 Bytes/14.57 GB
Path: D:\NOKIA\NOKIA C2 TA-1233\NOKIA C2 TA-1233 Fulll Backup With Userdata\
Operation Done: [Read Partitions], Elapsed: 01:01:19:711

Source: EasyJtag Port [EMMC/SD/MMC]
Box Voltage set to: 1800 mV
Scanner Thread Created..

Config: 1011111111101111
Setup HiPower CLK: ON
Connecting To EasyJtag Plus Box: 1800mV/36MHz/1BIT
EasyJtag Plus Box Found! Result: 0/OK
CMD Pullup Level: 1607 mV
CMD Active Level: 1838 mV
EasyJtag Plus S/N: 39B26DD290B9BBB2
EasyJtag Plus Box FirmWare: 2.53

Box Bus Width = 1 BIT
Box Hardware = EasyJtag 2nd Generation

Search EMMC Chip...

EMMC NOT Found! Error: -1/CMD_TOUT_ERR

Scanner Thread Terminated
Elapsed: 00:00:01:420
Found 0 Partition(s)..

Search Partitions Fail..
Check EMMC or Run Pool Test..

Source: EasyJtag Port [EMMC/SD/MMC]
Box Voltage set to: 1800 mV
Scanner Thread Created..

Config: 1011111111101111
Setup HiPower CLK: ON
Connecting To EasyJtag Plus Box: 1800mV/36MHz/1BIT
EasyJtag Plus Box Found! Result: 0/OK
CMD Pullup Level: 1596 mV
CMD Active Level: 1835 mV
EasyJtag Plus S/N: 39B26DD290B9BBB2
EasyJtag Plus Box FirmWare: 2.53

Box Bus Width = 1 BIT
Box Hardware = EasyJtag 2nd Generation

Search EMMC Chip...

EMMC NOT Found! Error: -1/CMD_TOUT_ERR

Scanner Thread Terminated
Elapsed: 00:00:01:420
Found 0 Partition(s)..

Search Partitions Fail..
Check EMMC or Run Pool Test..

Source: EasyJtag Port [EMMC/SD/MMC]
Box Voltage set to: 1800 mV
Scanner Thread Created..

Config: 1011111111101111
Setup HiPower CLK: ON
Connecting To EasyJtag Plus Box: 1800mV/36MHz/1BIT
EasyJtag Plus Box Found! Result: 0/OK
CMD Pullup Level: 1905 mV
CMD Active Level: 1888 mV
EasyJtag Plus S/N: 39B26DD290B9BBB2
EasyJtag Plus Box FirmWare: 2.53

Box Bus Width = 1 BIT
Box Hardware = EasyJtag 2nd Generation

Search EMMC Chip...

EMMC Chip Found! 0/OK
EMMC CID: 150100464536324D4203290F6AE5C665
EMMC CSD: D02701320F5903FFF6DBFFEF8E40400D
EMMC ROM1 Size: 30535680 Block(s)/14910 MB
EMMC ROM2/3 Size: 8192 Block(s)/4096 KB
EMMC RPMB Size: 8192 Block(s)/4096 KB
EMMC RPMB Counter: 4840
EMMC RPMB Answer: 0/OK
Switch To ROM1 Part: 0/OK

EMMC REV: 1.8 (for MMC v5.1)
EMMC DEV Life Time: 0x01 -> Normal
EMMC MLC Life Time: 0x02 -> 10% - 20% Life Time Used
EMMC SLC Life Time: 0x02 -> 10% - 20% Life Time Used
EMMC Boot Config: 0x08/0x00/0x01
ExtCSD Automatically Saved..

Scanning Data From EMMC. Please wait..

Scanning GUID Partition Table from ROM1
GUID Partition Table is Found. Max Parts: 128
GPT: GPT [000000000000 - 000000004400] Size: 17.00 KB
GPT: PRODNV [000000100000 - 000000A00000] Size: 10.00 MB
GPT: MISCDATA [000000B00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: RECOVERY [000000C00000 - 000002300000] Size: 35.00 MB
GPT: MISC [000002F00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: MISCAUTH [000003000000 - 000000300000] Size: 3.00 MB
GPT: TRUSTOS [000003300000 - 000000600000] Size: 6.00 MB
GPT: TRUSTOS_BAK [000003900000 - 000000600000] Size: 6.00 MB
GPT: SML [000003F00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: SML_BAK [000004000000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: UBOOT [000004100000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: UBOOT_BAK [000004200000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: UBOOT_LOG [000004300000 - 000000400000] Size: 4.00 MB
GPT: LOGO [000004700000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: FBOOTLOGO [000004800000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: L_FIXNV1 [000004900000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: L_FIXNV2 [000004A00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: L_RUNTIMENV1 [000004B00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: L_RUNTIMENV2 [000004C00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: GPSGL [000004D00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: GPSBD [000004E00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: WCNMODEM [000004F00000 - 000000A00000] Size: 10.00 MB
GPT: PERSIST [000005900000 - 000000200000] Size: 2.00 MB
GPT: L_MODEM [000005B00000 - 000001900000] Size: 25.00 MB
GPT: L_DELTANV [000007400000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: L_GDSP [000007500000 - 000000A00000] Size: 10.00 MB
GPT: L_LDSP [000007F00000 - 000001400000] Size: 20.00 MB
GPT: PM_SYS [000009300000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: BOOT [000009400000 - 000002300000] Size: 35.00 MB
GPT: DTB [00000B700000 - 000000800000] Size: 8.00 MB
GPT: DTBO [00000BF00000 - 000000800000] Size: 8.00 MB
GPT: SYSTEM [00000C700000 - 000076C00000] Size: 1.86 GB
GPT: CACHE [000083300000 - 000009600000] Size: 150.00 MB
GPT: VENDOR [00008C900000 - 000012C00000] Size: 300.00 MB
GPT: PRODUCT [00009F500000 - 000006400000] Size: 100.00 MB
GPT: ELABLE [0000A5900000 - 000001400000] Size: 20.00 MB
GPT: VBMETA [0000A6D00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: VBMETA_BAK [0000A6E00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: USERDATA [0000A6F00000 - 0002FCEFBE00] Size: 11.95 GB
GPT: BACKUP_GPT [0003A3DFBE00 - 000000004200] Size: 16.50 KB
Reading Table Completed
Scanning GUID Partition Table from ROM2
GPT Signature Not Found. Break..
Scanning GUID Partition Table from ROM3
GPT Signature Not Found. Break..

Partition #5 mount as [/mnt/vendor] -> 10.00 MB
Partition #35 mount as [/dev_35] -> 1.86 GB
Partition #36 mount as [/cache] -> 150.00 MB
Partition #37 mount as [/dev_37] -> 300.00 MB
Partition #38 mount as [/dev_38] -> 100.00 MB
Partition #39 mount as [/vendor/elable] -> 20.00 MB
Partition #42 mount as [/USERDATA] -> 11.95 GB

EMPTY -> #7 - [MISC]
EmptyCheck: Done

Warning! Device Blocked by FRP
For Reset FRP Try to Tools Tab
Press Reset FRP Button
Partition #26 -> PERSIST

Android Info:
Brand = Nokia
Vendor = HMD Global
Device = NBL
Model = Nokia C2
Product = NBL
CPU ABI = armeabi-v7a
Android Version = 9
Firm Version = 00WW_1_120
Inc. Version = 00WW_1_120
Firm Date = Wed Dec 30 10:21:32 CST 2020
Security Patch = 2021-01-05

Android Info:
Platform = sp9832e

Android Info:

Scanner Thread Terminated
Elapsed: 00:00:09:148
Found 43 Partition(s)..
Scan Done. Init Main Engine...

Resetting EasyJtag Box. Wait..
CMD Pullup Level: 1907 mV
CMD Active Level: 1887 mV
Reader Engine Initialized.. 0/OK
Source: EasyJtag Port [EMMC/SD/MMC]
Bus Mode: 1BIT
Operation Done: [Init Engine], Elapsed: 00:00:01:592

Qualcomm Flash:
Path: D:\NOKIA\NOKIA C2 TA-1233\NOKIA C2 TA-1233 Fulll Backup Without Userdata\
Initializing Flash Engine..

Loading Firmwares:

Loading Patches:

Start Flashing..
Checking Files..

Partitions for Write: 41
Total Files Size: 0x0000A7608600/2.62 GB
Erase Before Writing: TRUE
Full Erase Partitions: FALSE
Erase Google FRP: TRUE
Force Repartition: FALSE
Verify Write Data: TRUE

Part Name: 'ROM_2'
File: ROM2_ROM_2_0x000000000000_0x000000400000.bin, Addr: 0x000000000000, FileSize: 4.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 8192
Writing to Partition -> ROM2
Write Done. Count: 8192

Part Name: 'ROM_3'
File: ROM3_ROM_3_0x000000000000_0x000000400000.bin, Addr: 0x000000000000, FileSize: 4.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 8192
Writing to Partition -> ROM3
Write Done. Count: 8192

Part Name: 'GPT_LAYOUT_ROM1'
File: ROM1_GPT_LAYOUT_ROM1_0x000000000000_0x000000004400.bin, Addr: 0x000000000000, FileSize: 17.00 KB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 34
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 34

Part Name: 'PRODNV'
File: ROM1_PRODNV_0x000000100000_0x000000A00000.bin, Addr: 0x000000100000, FileSize: 10.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 20480
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 20480

Part Name: 'MISCDATA'
File: ROM1_MISCDATA_0x000000B00000_0x000000100000.bin, Addr: 0x000000B00000, FileSize: 1.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 2048
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'RECOVERY'
File: ROM1_RECOVERY_0x000000C00000_0x000002300000.bin, Addr: 0x000000C00000, FileSize: 35.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 71680
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 71680

Part Name: 'MISC'
File: ROM1_MISC_0x000002F00000_0x000000100000.bin, Addr: 0x000002F00000, FileSize: 1.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 2048
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'MISCAUTH'
File: ROM1_MISCAUTH_0x000003000000_0x000000300000.bin, Addr: 0x000003000000, FileSize: 3.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 6144
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 6144

Part Name: 'TRUSTOS'
File: ROM1_TRUSTOS_0x000003300000_0x000000600000.bin, Addr: 0x000003300000, FileSize: 6.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 12288
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 12288

Part Name: 'TRUSTOS_BAK'
File: ROM1_TRUSTOS_BAK_0x000003900000_0x000000600000.bin, Addr: 0x000003900000, FileSize: 6.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 12288
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 12288

Part Name: 'SML'
File: ROM1_SML_0x000003F00000_0x000000100000.bin, Addr: 0x000003F00000, FileSize: 1.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 2048
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'SML_BAK'
File: ROM1_SML_BAK_0x000004000000_0x000000100000.bin, Addr: 0x000004000000, FileSize: 1.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 2048
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'UBOOT'
File: ROM1_UBOOT_0x000004100000_0x000000100000.bin, Addr: 0x000004100000, FileSize: 1.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 2048
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'UBOOT_BAK'
File: ROM1_UBOOT_BAK_0x000004200000_0x000000100000.bin, Addr: 0x000004200000, FileSize: 1.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 2048
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'UBOOT_LOG'
File: ROM1_UBOOT_LOG_0x000004300000_0x000000400000.bin, Addr: 0x000004300000, FileSize: 4.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 8192
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 8192

Part Name: 'LOGO'
File: ROM1_LOGO_0x000004700000_0x000000100000.bin, Addr: 0x000004700000, FileSize: 1.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 2048
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'FBOOTLOGO'
File: ROM1_FBOOTLOGO_0x000004800000_0x000000100000.bin, Addr: 0x000004800000, FileSize: 1.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 2048
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'L_FIXNV1'
File: ROM1_L_FIXNV1_0x000004900000_0x000000100000.bin, Addr: 0x000004900000, FileSize: 1.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 2048
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'L_FIXNV2'
File: ROM1_L_FIXNV2_0x000004A00000_0x000000100000.bin, Addr: 0x000004A00000, FileSize: 1.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 2048
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'L_RUNTIMENV1'
File: ROM1_L_RUNTIMENV1_0x000004B00000_0x000000100000.bin, Addr: 0x000004B00000, FileSize: 1.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 2048
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'L_RUNTIMENV2'
File: ROM1_L_RUNTIMENV2_0x000004C00000_0x000000100000.bin, Addr: 0x000004C00000, FileSize: 1.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 2048
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'GPSGL'
File: ROM1_GPSGL_0x000004D00000_0x000000100000.bin, Addr: 0x000004D00000, FileSize: 1.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 2048
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'GPSBD'
File: ROM1_GPSBD_0x000004E00000_0x000000100000.bin, Addr: 0x000004E00000, FileSize: 1.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 2048
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'WCNMODEM'
File: ROM1_WCNMODEM_0x000004F00000_0x000000A00000.bin, Addr: 0x000004F00000, FileSize: 10.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 20480
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 20480

Part Name: 'PERSIST'
File: ROM1_PERSIST_0x000005900000_0x000000200000.bin, Addr: 0x000005900000, FileSize: 2.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 4096
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 4096

Part Name: 'L_MODEM'
File: ROM1_L_MODEM_0x000005B00000_0x000001900000.bin, Addr: 0x000005B00000, FileSize: 25.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 51200
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 51200

Part Name: 'L_DELTANV'
File: ROM1_L_DELTANV_0x000007400000_0x000000100000.bin, Addr: 0x000007400000, FileSize: 1.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 2048
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'L_GDSP'
File: ROM1_L_GDSP_0x000007500000_0x000000A00000.bin, Addr: 0x000007500000, FileSize: 10.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 20480
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 20480

Part Name: 'L_LDSP'
File: ROM1_L_LDSP_0x000007F00000_0x000001400000.bin, Addr: 0x000007F00000, FileSize: 20.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 40960
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 40960

Part Name: 'PM_SYS'
File: ROM1_PM_SYS_0x000009300000_0x000000100000.bin, Addr: 0x000009300000, FileSize: 1.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 2048
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'BOOT'
File: ROM1_BOOT_0x000009400000_0x000002300000.bin, Addr: 0x000009400000, FileSize: 35.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 71680
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 71680

Part Name: 'DTB'
File: ROM1_DTB_0x00000B700000_0x000000800000.bin, Addr: 0x00000B700000, FileSize: 8.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 16384
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 16384

Part Name: 'DTBO'
File: ROM1_DTBO_0x00000BF00000_0x000000800000.bin, Addr: 0x00000BF00000, FileSize: 8.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 16384
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 16384

Part Name: 'SYSTEM'
File: ROM1_SYSTEM_0x00000C700000_0x000076C00000.bin, Addr: 0x00000C700000, FileSize: 1.86 GB
Erasing Partition..
Erasing Only 0x20000000 Bytes of Part..
Erase Done. Count: 1048576
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 3891200

Part Name: 'CACHE'
File: ROM1_CACHE_0x000083300000_0x000009600000.bin, Addr: 0x000083300000, FileSize: 150.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 307200
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 307200

Part Name: 'VENDOR'
File: ROM1_VENDOR_0x00008C900000_0x000012C00000.bin, Addr: 0x00008C900000, FileSize: 300.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 614400
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 614400

Part Name: 'PRODUCT'
File: ROM1_PRODUCT_0x00009F500000_0x000006400000.bin, Addr: 0x00009F500000, FileSize: 100.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 204800
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 204800

Part Name: 'ELABLE'
File: ROM1_ELABLE_0x0000A5900000_0x000001400000.bin, Addr: 0x0000A5900000, FileSize: 20.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 40960
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 40960

Part Name: 'VBMETA'
File: ROM1_VBMETA_0x0000A6D00000_0x000000100000.bin, Addr: 0x0000A6D00000, FileSize: 1.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 2048
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 2048

Part Name: 'VBMETA_BAK'
File: ROM1_VBMETA_BAK_0x0000A6E00000_0x000000100000.bin, Addr: 0x0000A6E00000, FileSize: 1.00 MB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 2048
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 2048

File: ROM1_BACKUP_GPT_LAYOUT_ROM1_0x0003A3DFBE00_0x000000004200.bin, Addr: 0x0003A3DFBE00, FileSize: 16.50 KB
Erasing Partition..
Erase Done. Count: 33
Writing to Partition -> ROM1
Write Done. Count: 33

Write Done..
Total Flash Partitions: 41
Checking Patches..

Patch Not Need. Break..
Erase Google FRP..
Google FRP Signature Not Found..

Flash Done..
Elapsed Time: [00:27:28:815]

!!Warning! Partition Info is Outdated!!
Please Re-Connect Device for Update Partition Info!

Source: EasyJtag Port [EMMC/SD/MMC]
Box Voltage set to: 1800 mV
Scanner Thread Created..

Config: 1011111111101111
Setup HiPower CLK: ON
Connecting To EasyJtag Plus Box: 1800mV/36MHz/1BIT
EasyJtag Plus Box Found! Result: 0/OK
CMD Pullup Level: 1904 mV
CMD Active Level: 1885 mV
EasyJtag Plus S/N: 39B26DD290B9BBB2
EasyJtag Plus Box FirmWare: 2.53

Box Bus Width = 1 BIT
Box Hardware = EasyJtag 2nd Generation

Search EMMC Chip...

EMMC Chip Found! 0/OK
EMMC CID: 150100464536324D4203290F6AE5C665
EMMC CSD: D02701320F5903FFF6DBFFEF8E40400D
EMMC ROM1 Size: 30535680 Block(s)/14910 MB
EMMC ROM2/3 Size: 8192 Block(s)/4096 KB
EMMC RPMB Size: 8192 Block(s)/4096 KB
EMMC RPMB Counter: 4840
EMMC RPMB Answer: 0/OK
Switch To ROM1 Part: 0/OK

EMMC REV: 1.8 (for MMC v5.1)
EMMC DEV Life Time: 0x01 -> Normal
EMMC MLC Life Time: 0x02 -> 10% - 20% Life Time Used
EMMC SLC Life Time: 0x02 -> 10% - 20% Life Time Used
EMMC Boot Config: 0x08/0x00/0x01
ExtCSD Automatically Saved..

Scanning Data From EMMC. Please wait..

Scanning GUID Partition Table from ROM1
GUID Partition Table is Found. Max Parts: 128
GPT: GPT [000000000000 - 000000004400] Size: 17.00 KB
GPT: PRODNV [000000100000 - 000000A00000] Size: 10.00 MB
GPT: MISCDATA [000000B00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: RECOVERY [000000C00000 - 000002300000] Size: 35.00 MB
GPT: MISC [000002F00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: MISCAUTH [000003000000 - 000000300000] Size: 3.00 MB
GPT: TRUSTOS [000003300000 - 000000600000] Size: 6.00 MB
GPT: TRUSTOS_BAK [000003900000 - 000000600000] Size: 6.00 MB
GPT: SML [000003F00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: SML_BAK [000004000000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: UBOOT [000004100000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: UBOOT_BAK [000004200000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: UBOOT_LOG [000004300000 - 000000400000] Size: 4.00 MB
GPT: LOGO [000004700000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: FBOOTLOGO [000004800000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: L_FIXNV1 [000004900000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: L_FIXNV2 [000004A00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: L_RUNTIMENV1 [000004B00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: L_RUNTIMENV2 [000004C00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: GPSGL [000004D00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: GPSBD [000004E00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: WCNMODEM [000004F00000 - 000000A00000] Size: 10.00 MB
GPT: PERSIST [000005900000 - 000000200000] Size: 2.00 MB
GPT: L_MODEM [000005B00000 - 000001900000] Size: 25.00 MB
GPT: L_DELTANV [000007400000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: L_GDSP [000007500000 - 000000A00000] Size: 10.00 MB
GPT: L_LDSP [000007F00000 - 000001400000] Size: 20.00 MB
GPT: PM_SYS [000009300000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: BOOT [000009400000 - 000002300000] Size: 35.00 MB
GPT: DTB [00000B700000 - 000000800000] Size: 8.00 MB
GPT: DTBO [00000BF00000 - 000000800000] Size: 8.00 MB
GPT: SYSTEM [00000C700000 - 000076C00000] Size: 1.86 GB
GPT: CACHE [000083300000 - 000009600000] Size: 150.00 MB
GPT: VENDOR [00008C900000 - 000012C00000] Size: 300.00 MB
GPT: PRODUCT [00009F500000 - 000006400000] Size: 100.00 MB
GPT: ELABLE [0000A5900000 - 000001400000] Size: 20.00 MB
GPT: VBMETA [0000A6D00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: VBMETA_BAK [0000A6E00000 - 000000100000] Size: 1.00 MB
GPT: USERDATA [0000A6F00000 - 0002FCEFBE00] Size: 11.95 GB
GPT: BACKUP_GPT [0003A3DFBE00 - 000000004200] Size: 16.50 KB
Reading Table Completed
Scanning GUID Partition Table from ROM2
GPT Signature Not Found. Break..
Scanning GUID Partition Table from ROM3
GPT Signature Not Found. Break..

Partition #5 mount as [/mnt/vendor] -> 10.00 MB
Partition #35 mount as [/dev_35] -> 1.86 GB
Partition #36 mount as [/cache] -> 150.00 MB
Partition #37 mount as [/dev_37] -> 300.00 MB
Partition #38 mount as [/dev_38] -> 100.00 MB
Partition #39 mount as [/vendor/elable] -> 20.00 MB
Partition #42 mount as [/USERDATA] -> 11.95 GB

EMPTY -> #7 - [MISC]
EmptyCheck: Done

Android Info:
Brand = Nokia
Vendor = HMD Global
Device = NBL
Model = Nokia C2
Product = NBL
CPU ABI = armeabi-v7a
Android Version = 9
Firm Version = 00WW_1_120
Inc. Version = 00WW_1_120
Firm Date = Wed Dec 30 10:21:32 CST 2020
Security Patch = 2021-01-05

Android Info:
Platform = sp9832e

Android Info:

Scanner Thread Terminated
Elapsed: 00:00:05:273
Found 43 Partition(s)..
Scan Done. Init Main Engine...

Resetting EasyJtag Box. Wait..
CMD Pullup Level: 1906 mV
CMD Active Level: 1885 mV
Reader Engine Initialized.. 0/OK
Source: EasyJtag Port [EMMC/SD/MMC]
Bus Mode: 1BIT
Operation Done: [Init Engine], Elapsed: 00:00:01:591
Last edited:
  • Like
Reactions: Softgsm