Hydra Redmi 2 (HM2014811) Edl Flashıng With by Hydra

Hydra Tool


Friend's Martview
Sep 26, 2021
Redmi 2 (HM2014811) Edl Flashıng With by Hydra

Searching for Qualcomm 9008 Device... Found
FriendlyName : Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM23)
SymbolicName :??USB#VID_05C6&PID_9008#5&201b4142&0&4#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
Driver Ver : 08/31/2015,

Getting device info .. Ok
Device MODE : Firehose
Connecting to Firehose...
Ping .. Ok
Identifying Chip....
Chip Configuration :
MemoryName : eMMC
MaxPayloadSizeToTargetInBytes : 16384
MaxPayloadSizeToTargetInBytesSupported : 16384
MaxPayloadSizeFromTargetInBytes : 4096
MaxXMLSizeInBytes : 4096
TargetName : 8916
Version : 1

Protocol : Universal
Running : Ok

Phone Information .....
Brand : Xiaomi
Vendor : Xiaomi
Model : wt88047
SDK : 22
Release : 5.1.1
ABI : armeabi-v7a
CPU abilist : armeabi-v7a,armeabi
Description : wt88047-user 5.1.1 LMY47V V9.2.5.0.LHJMIEK release-keys
Miui Ver : V9
Device : wt88047
Mod_device : wt88047_pro_global
Board : msm8916
Display ID : LMY47V
Security Patch : 2017-01-01
Platform : msm8916
FRPPST : /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/config
Fingerprint : Xiaomi/wt88047/wt88047:5.1.1/LMY47V/V9.2.5.0.LHJMIEK:user/release-keys

Reading GPT[3]
Drive [0] 32 Items
Drive [1] 0 Items
Drive [2] 0 Items

Backup Security titions...
Reading Security Items....
> modemst1
> modemst2
> fsg
> fsc
C:Hydra ToolBackupSecurity_Backupwt88047_msm8916_5.1.1_Security_102621092704.sec
Backup Security Success....

Flashing Selected titions....
- modem (0)b [NON-HLOS.bin] b0 Ok
- modem1 (0)b [NON-HLOS.bin] b0 Ok
- sbl1 (0)b [sbl1.mbn] b0 Ok
- sbl2 (0)b [sbl2.mbn] b0 Ok
- sbl3 (0)b [sbl3.mbn] b0 Ok
- rpm (0)b [rpm.mbn] b0 Ok
- tz (0)b [tz.mbn] b0 Ok
- aboot (0)b [emmc_appsboot.mbn] b0 Ok
- misc (0)b [misc.img] b0 Ok
- boot (0)b [boot.img] b0 Ok
- boot1 (0)b [boot.img] b0 Ok
- recovery (0)b [recovery.img] b0 Ok
- persist (0)b [persist.img] b0 Ok
- system (0)b [system.img] b0 Ok
- system1 (0)b [system.img] b0 Ok
- cache (0)b [cache.img] b0 Ok
- userdata (0)b [userdata.img] b0 Ok
- storage (0)b [storage.img] b0 Ok
Operation : Setbootablestoragedrive: Drive 0
Set bootable storage drive 0 Ok

Rebooting Phone.... Ok

Elapsed Time : 00:12:14