please upload file and flash tool
Downlod link =
RIVO_Phantom_PZ10_V5_emmc_qcn-official factory firamwear.rar
How to flash:
Download and install QPST 2.7.422 with QFIL and Qualcomm USB Drivers.
Turn off the phone. Hold Vol+ button and plug-in USB Cable. Phone will vibrate one time, screen wil be black. This is DownloadMode.
There should be device called in device management:
Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COMXX)
In any other case u have to install drivers manually.
Click Browse… in Programmer Path and choose prog_emmc_firehose_8916.mbn
Load XML in Download Section:
First select RawProgram File: rawprogram0.xml
then Select Patch File: patch0.xml
Check all inputs is correct and click Download under Load XML button and wait about 5 to 10 minutes: