News your Opinión is Important [News-What are you looking for from DTPRO]

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Aug 24, 2018
Voy a empezar y espero que tomen esto como un importante opinion de un usuario,
- Estaria super bien que pudieramos cambiar de PC al menos 3 veces al ano, ya he tenido que pagar por otra licencia porque mi windows se fastidio
- Interfaz y logs mas explicativos, veo muchos logs de operaciones y son una locura tratar de interpretarlos, por ejemplo si un boton dice Read Info o FRP y cuando demos click alli que el log empieze por el nombre de la operacion de ese log, mira este post de ustedes DTPro - xiaomi -Mi 9SE DualSIM IMEIrepair Success by DTpro este es un ejemplo y mire los logs interno de la herramienta, ningun logs muesta cual fue la operacion realizada para que mostrara esa info{log}, cuando yo quiero ver un post quiero entender el logs desde el principio hasta el final para saber que pasos y botones tocaron en la herramienta.
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Product Manager
Sep 3, 2018
Voy a empezar y espero que tomen esto como un importante opinion de un usuario,
- Estaria super bien que pudieramos cambiar de PC al menos 3 veces al ano, ya he tenido que pagar por otra licencia porque mi windows se fastidio
- Interfaz y logs mas explicativos, veo muchos logs de operaciones y son una locura tratar de interpretarlos, por ejemplo si un boton dice Read Info o FRP y cuando demos click alli que el log empieze por el nombre de la operacion de ese log, mira este post de ustedes DTPro - xiaomi -Mi 9SE DualSIM IMEIrepair Success by DTpro este es un ejemplo y mire los logs interno de la herramienta, ningun logs muesta cual fue la operacion realizada para que mostrara esa info{log}, cuando yo quiero ver un post quiero entender el logs desde el principio hasta el final para saber que pasos y botones tocaron en la herramienta.
Que NO entendes de logs logs? - este Usuario hizo una guia explicada, para ustedes-
Ejemplo: Escribir QCN = QW = QCN Write
  • Write eng QCN Success
todos sabemos que los QCN se escriben via Diag port --
Si le Damos Click Special Task! No Muestra IMEIrepair or Factory reset


Aug 24, 2018
Hermano para que haces un post pidiendo la opinion de los usuarios si al final eliminas las criticas, no quieres que hablen de otras box, solo fue un ejemplo, primero den el ejemplo haciendo una interfaz propia, sigan copiando de ????? COMUNISTAS
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Product Manager
Sep 3, 2018
Hermano para que haces un post pidiendo la opinion de los usuarios si al final eliminas las criticas, no quieres que hablen de otras box, solo fue un ejemplo, primero den el ejemplo haciendo una interfaz propia, sigan copiando de ????? COMUNISTAS
amigo, por favor respeta -Necesitamos que nos ayuden sobre DTpro -No que un solo usuario no haga 10 reply en el post, a hablar de otras herramientas.
  • Este es el principal problema con muchos usuarios, Nosotros no estamos compitiendo con nadie y mucho menos andamos peleando con lo usuarios, solo pedimos respeto.
llevas mas de 10 reply, y ahora pides que hasta los logs modifiquen, y que digan en cada encabezado operaciones, por favor es algo que NO tiene logica ni profesionalismo.
por favor, le pedimos a todos los usuarios, Opinar con respeto.

Best regards.


Product Manager
Sep 3, 2018
Unfortunately, I am very upset This is not good at handling problems Only notifications for the tool
Thank you, I hope you stop being annoying! We review your case and it is impossible to help you after 3 years and 0 satisfactory reports


Friend's Martview
Sep 19, 2018
DT Pro for sure it very good tool, I suggest make dongle for DT Pro, so that user already purchase activation will able to buy dongle too if they want and new user who more prefer dongle can purchase dongle. At the same time user who hard to get dongle reach their county can purchase activation.
Hopefully team can consider it, thank you and appreciate team hard work for this product.


Active Member
Apr 22, 2020
DT Pro for sure it very good tool, I suggest make dongle for DT Pro, so that user already purchase activation will be able to buy dongle too if they want and new user who more prefer dongle can purchase dongle. At the same time user who hard to get dongle reach their county can purchase activation.
Hopefully team can consider it, thank you and appreciate team hard work for this product.
license policy is my concern fix that please ,me i just used that tool for some weeks and my drive crashed. i need this tool but the license policy .


Nov 17, 2019

I know several professionals who would like to buy the tool more because they lose their license they don't buy only i already lost this license 3 times so i stopped investing money in it and moved on to unlocktool I wish the tool didn't have this problem with the license, because the cost is high for us in Brazil


Junior Member
Oct 8, 2019
Hello, I bought dt pro three years ago and formatted my computer with windows 7, then Mr. Julio G. Torralvo from whom I bought the license is rude and does not want to reinstall the program, please help


Product Manager
Sep 3, 2018
Hello, I bought dt pro three years ago and formatted my computer with windows 7, then Mr. Julio G. Torralvo from whom I bought the license is rude and does not want to reinstall the program, please help
Hello, I bought dt pro three years ago and formatted my computer with windows 7, then Mr. Julio G. Torralvo from whom I bought the license is rude and does not want to reinstall the program, please help
I don't think we can reactivate your license, we already did it before and we told you how the license worked again! you have had 3 years of free use!

-Regarding Julio G. torralvo he sent us the screenshots.
About product support, it will be replaced in the next month! by someone with a better sense of humor.


Friend's Martview
May 30, 2020
sir here is share many member our opinion, and they want from your side...

now please tell us what you give on the behalf of our member opinion ...


Aug 16, 2018
Good morning DTPro Tool Team.
1.- Open DTPro Tool with authentication key, no longer single license per PC.
2.- Generate list of cell phone models by Module (Mtk pro, Qualcom Emmc, Nv, Xtool, X_Hdm, etc) to make it more user-friendly, intuitive and see possible functions to be performed with DTPro Tool for each model, or such as:
Write Firmware / Unlock / Repair Imei / Frp / Unlock Bootloader .... Etc.
3.- I understand that the support generates answers based on the operation of the tool, but many users are new and these are often the ones that generate Spam and bad talk about the tool because they DO NOT “get the answer they want”. For this, instructional videos must be made for each module and select a reference model and its application of functions (write firmware, release, imei repair, NV repair, FRP, etc.) from DTPro Tool, example:

Always Successes DTProo Tool Team.
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Mar 18, 2021
It's right everyone says preview
I bought it once.
And then I lost a license.
And for this hour, there's no strong support.
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Feb 12, 2021
This is a very big problem that we can not get into the program or want to upgrade our hardware.
The dtpro team is now developing and they have good tools. First they have to fix this obstacle

  • You can offer your tools as an online username and password, such as Another tools, but with a more limited time.
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Active Member
Apr 20, 2020
need to purchase tjis tool buy am worried about license issue.. last time my pc was infected with ransom virus. every file was enycrypted.. i think software should have online licence backup.. or 48hrs policy. or even pc change 3 times a year.. better have small yearly fee like UAT. to pay you saver costs but our licences safe.. thank u
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